You And I In The One Bed Lie lyrics
Cathie RyanA nobleman's fair daughter was walking down yon lane
When up comes Captain Dixon, the keeper of the game
Says he unto his serving man, "If it was not for the law
I'd have that maid within my bed and she'd lie next to the wall"
"Go away, young man," says she, "And do not me perplex
Before I lie one night with you, you'll answer questions six
Six questions you will answer, and I will make them all
Before you and I in the one bed lie and I lie next to the wall
What is rounder than a ring? What's higher than a tree?
What is worse than womankind? What's deeper than the sea?
What tree blooms first? What bird sings best? From where do dew drops fall?
Then it's you and I in the one bed lie and I lie next to the wall"
"A globe is rounder than a ring, sky higher than a tree
A girl is worse than womankind, hell deeper than the sea
The yew blooms first, the thrush sings best, from heaven the dew drops fall
So it's you and I in the one bed lie and you lie next to the wall"
"You must get for me some winter fruit that in December grew
Find for me a mantle, a weft it never went through
A sparrow's horn, a priest unshorn, a bird without a gall
Then it's you and I in the one bed lie and I lie next to the wall"
"My father has some winter fruit that in December grew
My mother wears a mantle, a weft it never went through
A sparrow's horn's not hard to find, there's one in every claw
Melchizedek is a priest unshorn," and he rolled her to the wall
Dee da da dee dee dee - da da...
Song Details

Words & Music: Traditional - an old Scottish Ballad from as far back as 1785 or earlier.
Versions: There are several different titles to the song. The original song was titled Captain Wedderburn's Courtship. Other titles include: Captain Wedderburn, Lord Roslin's Daughter, The Laird of Rosslyn's Daughter, Lord Roslyn's daughter, Captain Woodstock's Courtship, The Song of the Riddles and the version here by Cathy Ryan titled, You And I In The One Bed Lie.
Brief: While all versions differ slightly, the storyline is basically the same: a captain meets a young lady while out walking and tells her he would like to share her bed, but before she will agree he must answer all her riddles. Needless to say he had an answer for all her riddles, and fun was had by all!
yon - short for yonder
mantle - a cloak
weft - a woven fabric or garment
gall - a gallbladder
Melchizedek - the high priest and king of Salem who blessed Abraham
Category: Ballad
Covers: The Great Big Sea, Willie Clancy, Cara Luft, Séamus Ennis.
Album: Cathie Ryan (Feb 18, 1997)