Ride On lyrics
Celtic Woman
True you ride the finest horse I have ever seen
Standing sixteen one or two, with eyes wild and green
And you ride the horse so well, hands light to the touch
I could never go with you, no matter how I wanted to
Ride on, see you, I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to
Ride on, see you, I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to
When you ride into the night without a trace behind
Run your claw along my gut one last time
Turned to face an empty space where you used to lie
And look for the spark that lights the night
Through the teardrops in my eye
Ride on, see you, I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to
Ride on, see you, I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to
Ride on, see you, I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to
Ride on, see you, I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to
I could never go with you
No matter how I wanted to...
Song Details

Writer: Jimmy MacCarthy - born in Macroom, County Cork, Ireland in 1953.
Occupation: Singer songwriter with 4 albums and numerous singles under his belt. Ride On is featured on his album, The Song of the Singing Horseman released in 1991. His other albums include: The Dreamer (1994), The Moment (2002), and Hey-Ho Believe (2010).
Active Years: 1979 - 2003, 2008 - present.
Brief: A love story with a few possible scenarios: a one night stand with a handsome horseman; a married woman having an affair with a handsome horseman... I could never go with you
no matter how I wanted to.
She would love to go with him but cannot for reasons we can only assume.
Category: Irish Folk
Covers: Celtic Woman (featured), Christy Moore, Mary Coughlan, Celtic Thunder, Cruachan.
Album by Celtic Woman - Destiny (Jan 15, 2016)
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