Gallipoli lyrics
The Fureys & Davey ArthurI remember the day it stands clear in my mind
We stood down at Dun Laoighaire to wave you goodbye
Your ma was quietly weeping, there was a tear in my eye
As they sent you to Gallipoli to die.
You looked so young as you stood there with a glint in your eye
And you sang rebel songs as the streamers flew high
Your ma turned away and I heard her sigh
For you're sailing to Gallipoli to die
You were all that we had, your mammy and me,
When you marched head erect you were proud as could be
And it killed your poor ma, and it slowly killed me
When you were blown to kingdom come on the shores of Gallipoli.
We only got the one letter and we knew right away
It said deepest regrets your son was bold and he was brave
You were only 18 yet your mammy and I
Let you go to Gallipoli to die
You were all that we had, your mammy and me,
When you marched head erect you were proud as could be
And it killed your poor ma, and it slowly killed me
When you were blown to kingdom come on the shores of Gallipoli.
You fought for the wrong country, you died for the wrong cause.
And your ma often said that it was Ireland's great loss
All those fine young men who marched to foreign shores to fight the wars
When the greatest war of all was at home
You were all that we had, your mammy and me,
When you marched head erect you were proud as could be
And it killed your poor ma, and it slowly killed me
When you were blown to kingdom come on the shores of Gallipoli.
You were all that we had, your mammy and me,
When you marched head erect you were proud as could be
And it killed your poor ma, and it slowly killed me
When you were blown to kingdom come on the shores of Gallipoli.
Song Details

Songwriters: Irishmen, Mike Swan (composer) & Daire Doyle (lyricist). The song was originally titled "The Shores Of Gallipoli".
Date: 1970s
Brief: The story of a young Irish man and only-child that went to fight in Gallipoli in World War 1 where 3,500 Irishmen lost their lives. The parents felt great sadness as they knew their son was going away to die. They received only one letter and that was to tell them the news that their dear son had been killed in battle... he was 18 years old.
It also tells of the regret by his parents that he fought for the wrong cause... "All those fine young men who marched to foreign shores to fight the war when the greatest war of all was at home." This refers to the fight for freedom from England's domination of their homeland.
Dun Laoighaire - suburban seaside town in County Dublin, Ireland.
Gallipoli - located in Turkish Thrace - the European part of Turkey. The Aegean Sea is to the west and the Dardanelles strait is to the east.
Gallipoli Campaign - campaign of World War 1 which took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire from April 25, 1915 - Jan 9, 1916.
Genre: Anti-War
Covers: The Furey Brothers & Davey Arthur (featured), The Irish Ramblers, The Fighting Men From Crossmaglen, Jack McDermott, Brier and many more.
Album: The Fureys & Davy Arthur Live (2007 - CD Compilation).
Album Tracks:Please Note: Although the album tracks are all perfomed by The Fureys & Davey Arthur, links with an asterisk will take you to pages performed by other artists.
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